Evan just participated in and completed his first triathalon here in OKC. He really liked it and is now training for another one in August. He finished in 1.5 hours, and so he is training hard to take off about 15 minutes for the next one. While Evan was a big fan...Kale was not. :) We had to wake him up at 5am just to get there to sign in and really all Kale wanted to do was sit at home and watch "Dora" his new favorite show! :) While Evan participated, Kale cried and whined almost the whole time and really begged to go into the pool! Finally right after Evan finished he passed out and took a nap. Hopefully the next one will be more fun and entertaining for Kale...hopefully there will be a playground or something fun for him to do. However, I am really happy that Evan has found something that he likes to do.
Kale playing with the drinking fountain...he wont drink out of it but does enjoy pushing the button. :)
Kale passed out... ( I had to carry him to the car asleep...I felt like I had just done a triathalon...he is getting SO heavy!)

Trying to pass the time...

Evan's Triathalon pics:


